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What is SAIL?


We are a group of families who have joined together to develop housing solutions for our loved ones
with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities. We are not developing a one-size fits all approach for our
loved ones - rather, we support one another as each family investigates and designs the most
appropriate solution for their individual.


While the original group of SAIL Families continue to meet regularly to share efforts and align goals, each
Port meets on its own schedule and establishes its own priorities. Current key activities at the SAIL level
include creation of our website, publication of our newsletter, development of our Friendship Connect
program, and publication of a Roadmap to Residency. 


Our members have diverse backgrounds, talents, needs and connections - we value the uniqueness of
each member and the perspective each can provide.


We welcome new members who share our dream of a day when all individuals can use their unique
abilities and talents to enjoy lives of interdependence, empowerment and purpose in the community of

their choice, and are energized to make that dream real for their loved one.

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